ACOA’s Safety and Accessibility Committee put together a “tool table” with items that make everyday life at home and in the car easier to navigate. Have you wondered which jar opener will work best for you? Wished you could find an easier way to get in and out of the car or fasten a seatbelt? Wanted a doorbell or fire detector that can be used by someone with a hearing impairment? The ACOA tool table has solutions to those problems and more. Come and see more than a dozen items that can make everyday life a little easier. Have you wondered how to use the online library catalog? Wished you knew what kind of genealogy databases were available at the library? If you are curious about any aspect of the library or if you just want to browse for a good book, Kate or an assistant will be there to answer your questions. Download “Tools for Everyday Living” which is a guide presented by Bowdoinham’s Advisory Committee on Aging, here.

The Bowdoinham Public Library offers a range of assistive devices to promote universal access to its collections and services. Patrons who need assistance browsing the collection due to a disability may make an appointment with staff for one-on-one help.The library’s Microsoft’s Windows programs come with accessibility attributes that can help some persons with moderate disabilities use computers. Information on using these accommodations can be found online at the Microsoft Ease of Access Center. Patrons using Mac computers can find online assistive technology help here.

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